Smart door Lock using RFID & ESP32

We all know how Covid-19 has drastically affected our lives. With the markets opening now, everyone of us are thinking twice before touching anything. Same goes for the fingerprint unlock system. Most of the offices now-a-days are replacing there fingerprint based door locks with something contactless. We here at Techiesms also decided to replace our fingerprint based door look system to a RFID based contactless system. Here is a detailed look at the project.

Components Required :-

  • ESP32 Development board
  • RFID reader – RC522
  • OLED Display
  • Keypad
  • Solenoid Lock – 12v
  • Transistor – BC547
  • Resistor – 330E
  • Voltage regulator – 7805
  • Diode – IN4007
  • Relay – 5v
  • 12v Adapter – 1A

Hardware Connections :

This is how you need to connect the components.

Working of the Project

I have made this project in such a way that it not only works as a door lock but also records the attendance of the person entering. You can unlock the door not only via a the RFID card but also through entering the secret pin in the keypad. After the door is opened it saves the attendance to a google sheet with the help of IFTTT.

As I mentioned above, the door lock has two modes. One is obviously the RFID mode for making it contactless. In this mode the user is supposed to scan the RFID tag through the scanner. Ones the scanner detects a card or tag it checks in the code and marks the name of the unique user in Google sheets.

The second mode is pin or button mode which can be entered by pressing the A key on the keypad. In this mode you can enter the secret pin that is pre-defined in the code for opening the door. Apart from these, I have also attached a proximity sensor to the project for opening the door from inside the studio. You may see the detailed working from the video linked below.

Code for the Project :

I have uploaded the code in my GitHub account. You can download them by clicking HERE!

Video :

If you like the project and the idea and would like to make your own then I’ll highly recommend you to watch my video on the same. In this video I have not only guided you with each and every step of making this project but also have discussed the code in detail. Here is the video.