In this article, we will be having a look at Tasmota firmware and how to flash it to ESP32 in order to control appliances without writing a single line of code. Yeah, you heard me right.
As you might already know, Tasmota is an pre-written code or firmware for ESP boards. You know the staggering thing about Tasmota? It lets you automate your appliances without writing a single line of code and not only that, it also provides you with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for configuring the board. Yeah yeah, that too without a single line of code.
Components Required.
- ESP-32 development board
- 5 volts Non-latching Relay
- Hi-Link 5 volts Power Supply
- 220V AC to 3.3V DC Power supply
- Couple of resistors – 10kohms & 330 ohms
- Two pin terminal connectors
- BC547 transistor
- 1N4007 diodes
- Buzzer
- Led’s and Push button
Connection Diagram

Warning : The diagram contains AC 230volts Connection.
Be Careful. It could be Hazardous.
Oh, Snap! I forgot, We don’t have to use even a single line of code. LOL 🙂
Working of Project
First of all we need to flash the firmware file of Tasmota into our ESP32 board. You can get the firmware file from the GitHub page of Tasmota.

From the GitHub page, you need to download the tasmota32.bin file.
Apart from the firmware file, you also need to download some other files which you can find in my GitHub page from this link.
Now that you have got all the necessary files downloaded, you need to download one flasher tool from the official ESPRESSIF website. I have explained how to flash the firmware file in the video linked below. Do check it out for a detailed description.
One last thing you’ll need is the Termite app for providing the SSID and password to the ESP board. After updating the credentials you’ll get the local IP address in the Termite itself.

After visiting the IP address you’ll see an interface like this. From here you can configure the pins attached to relays and switches.
PCB Design
I have designed a 2 layer PCB for this project and the good news is that you can also use the same design or modify it according to your project without any restrictions.
Here is the link for the PCB design.