Internet and Manual Home Automation using Blynk

If you are searching for a project using which you can control the appliances over internet from your phone as well as know the status of your appliances in ON/OFF condition, that is you will be able to know the Real Time Status of your Appliances, and also control it then this is the right article you are landed on.

This time on techiesms we have a very different project that is almost a product and contains all the features that any product contains. Here we present a complete solution for Internet controlled Home Automation along with Manual Control as well as Real-Time Feedback of the Switches. 

Yes, you can control the appliances with Internet and also with your regular manual switches.

In this article, I’ll let you know how to make your own Internet controlled Appliances with Real Time status and Feedback Control. 

Components Required.

  • ESP-32 development board
  • 5 volts Non-latching Relay
  • Hi-Link 5 volts Power Supply
  • 220V AC to 3.3V DC Power supply
  • Couple of resistors – 10kohms & 330 ohms
  • Two pin terminal connectors
  • BC547 transistor 
  • 1N4007 diodes
  • Buzzer
  • Led’s and Push button

Connection Diagram

Warning : The diagram contains AC 230volts Connection. 
Be Careful. It could be Hazardous. 


The code used for this project is uploaded on my GitHub account. You can download the code from here.

PCB Design

I have designed a 2 layer PCB for this project and the good news is that you can also use the same design or modify it according to your project without any restrictions.

But never forget to give credits to original makers whenever you use any open source content like my code and PCB design.

Here is the link for the PCB design.

Tutorial Video

I have recorded a full tutorial video for this project in which each and every detail is available.