Beginners to Masters IoT projects guide

Economy is falling. But do you remember last time when economy fell down to a great extent was in 2008 and fun fact is at that time many successful startups took place like Uber, WhatsApp, Airbnb etc. So the point is rather than worrying about crises, think about what you can do to lift it up.Learn and make by sitting at your home.

Here I’m supporting the campaign called #LearnFromHome and providing you the content which I think is the right time to consume and utilise it. 

Just learn more and more, utilise the time and may be next successful startup is from your side.

Here is what you can learn from my channel these days

Interested in making IoT project but don’t know to get started with, here is the plan on how you can start from every basic 

First learn how to use NodeMCU board with Arduino IDE

If you are already familiar with NodeMCU I’ll suggest go for ESP32 which is way more powerful then that

After getting started with it just try to get comfortable with it by learning their example codes. I have made a series for both NodeMCU and ESP32 which will make you very much comfortable to make anything out of it.

NodeMCU Series

ESP32 Series

Congratulations!!!! you have successfully created your roots in IoT. Now it’s the time to nurture it. IoT is a big field, as you can make many many different kind of projects. But let me make it simple for you.

I’ll divide the projects in three categories, Begineers, Intermediate, Advanced it will make easy for you to be masters of IoT


Start with the easiest IoT project which is turning On and Off the relay using Mobile phone application(using NodeMCU)

After that you can try your hands on sending data over internet.(Using NodeMCU)

Great now why don’t make a system that can do both the task simultaneously. Like sending and receiving data over Internet(Using NodeMCU)

Well you can do the same project using the most easiest IoT platform Blynk. Sending and Receiving data over Internet using Blynk (Using NodeMCU)

This projects looks tough but it is very simple you’ll enjoy making it. Control upto 16 appliances over Internet using Blynk(using ESP32)


You must be comfortable with controlling appliances using phone, Now control them with Google assistant. Interesting right (using NodeMCU)

Monitoring one sensor is too boring, let’s monitor upto 16 sensors over internet (using NodeMCU)

Now as you are comfortable with controlling appliances with google assistant, why not to make a smart display using that. This is my personal favourite project (using NodeMCU)

Controlling Appliances using phone was for beginners, let’s control them with sensors and you’ll also get notification when someone secretly enters your room(Using NodeMCU)

Do you know you can make your own wifi extender to increase your WiFi Range (using NodeMCU)


You know how to control appliances with Internet and Google Assistant via Internet. But do you know how to control appliances when there is no Internet and moreover do you know how to get real-time feedback when your turn on and off switches manually.This is most advanced home automation system on Internet(using ESP32)

Well why only home automation, why not smart security system with realtime attendance (using ESP32)

You can also make your own smart clock which can fetch the data from internet and display on the screen.(using NodeMCU)

Do you know that you can make your own internet connected pendants for your loved ones?

IoT projects are easy with internet and router. but think you dont have internet and your dont even have a router and still you have to make smart appliances ?

So here are some of the projects making which you’ll definitely get to know so many things about IOT and smart appliances.

Sit at home but don’t relax all the time. Utilise the time to its maximum.

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