This all started when I saw a Kickstarter video of Lua, The smart Planter which is a Smart pot that can express it’s feeling whether it is feeling hot, clod, thirsty etc. Here is that campaign video if you want to know about this product
I was so much fascinated by this project, that I along with my team, decided to make it on our own at the studio . So this article will guide you with all the things required to make this project on your own.
Watch out complete Tutorial Video, If reading bores you
Components Required
- ESP32 Wroom32 Module
- Wemos D1 Mini charging Shield
- 2.8in TFT Touch Screen with SD card reader
- Soil Moisture Sensor
- DHT11 Sensor
- LDR Sensor
- On Off Switch
- Pushbuttons x 2
- HT7333 LDO
- Rechargeable LiPo Battery (1000 mAh)
- 4GB Micro SD Card
- SD card Adapter
- 3 pin Male-Female connectors x 2
- 2 pin Male-Female connectors x 2
- 10k Resistor x 3
- 47k Resistor x 2
Working of the project
Working of this project is pretty straight forward, we just need read the sensor’s data, analyse them and display the suitable emoji on the screen. But the only question lies is, how we are deciding which emoji to shown. So that’s the logic we have build by doing some trial and error. Below I have shown the Flow chart which will make you clear about the algorithm that we have used.
You can download the high quality Flowchart by clicking here.
So by going through the flowchart, you’ll come to know which emoji is shown at what particular time. And the logic for this is replicated inside the code. You can also download the code from below.
Before you use the code, you first need to download & install several libraries whose links are mentioned below.
After Downloading and installing all the libraries, you need to do one small change to support the libraries for our ESP32 module. For that, just open the folder containing all the installed libraries of Arduino.
In this just open up TFT_eSPI folder and delete User_Setup.h file

After deleting this file, just download the new User_Setup.h file by clicking here and paste this new file in the same folder as shown above
Now you can copy the below mentioned code and you are ready to use it.
Code was written for the project called, "Smart Expressive Pot"
Code written by - Ritesh Soni & Sachin Soni
Code written for - techiesms
For more details about the project, head on to our YouTube channel,
#define DEBUG 0 // Make it 1 to see the response in Serial monitor
// Necessary Libraries
#include <SPI.h>
#include <FS.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include "DHT.h"
#include <TFT_eSPI.h>
#include <JPEGDecoder.h>
// Pin Definition
#define SensorPin A0
#define LDR_pin 14
#define DHTPIN 27
#define batt 34
// DHT sensor type
#define DHTTYPE DHT11
// Sensor's Thresold Value
// Necessary Variables
int h;
int t;
int ldr_value;
float sensorValue;
TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI();
// Setup
void setup()
if (DEBUG)Serial.begin(115200);
// Set all chip selects high to avoid bus contention during initialisation of each peripheral
digitalWrite(22, HIGH); // Touch controller chip select (if used)
digitalWrite(15, HIGH); // TFT screen chip select
digitalWrite( 5, HIGH); // SD card chips select, must use GPIO 5 (ESP32 SS)
// Setting Up SD Card
if (!SD.begin()) {
if (DEBUG)Serial.println("Card Mount Failed");
uint8_t cardType = SD.cardType();
if (cardType == CARD_NONE) {
if (DEBUG)Serial.println("No SD card attached");
if (DEBUG)Serial.print("SD Card Type: ");
if (cardType == CARD_MMC) {
if (DEBUG)Serial.println("MMC");
} else if (cardType == CARD_SD) {
if (DEBUG)Serial.println("SDSC");
} else if (cardType == CARD_SDHC) {
if (DEBUG)Serial.println("SDHC");
} else {
if (DEBUG)Serial.println("UNKNOWN");
uint64_t cardSize = SD.cardSize() / (1024 * 1024);
if (DEBUG)Serial.printf("SD Card Size: %lluMBn", cardSize);
if (DEBUG)Serial.println("initialisation done.");
pinMode(36, OUTPUT);
pinMode(43, INPUT);
// Main loop
void loop() {
// Reading Sensor's Data
// Checking Batter Percentage
// Printing Data on if(DEBUG)Serial Monitor
if (DEBUG)Serial.print("Humidity: "); if (DEBUG)Serial.println(h);
if (DEBUG)Serial.print("Temperature: "); if (DEBUG)Serial.println(t);
if (DEBUG)Serial.print("Soil Moisture: "); if (DEBUG)Serial.println( sensorValue);
if (DEBUG)Serial.print("LDR Sensor: "); if (DEBUG)Serial.println(ldr_value);
int x = 0;
int y = 20;
// Display Respected Image based on Sensor's Data
if (ldr_value <= NIGHT_LIGHT_THRESOLD)
drawSdJpeg("/night.jpg", x, y);
else if ( sensorValue >= LOW_SOIL_MOISTURE_THRESOLD)
drawSdJpeg("/thirsty.jpg", x, y);
else if (sensorValue <= HIGH_SOIL_MOISTURE_THRESOLD )
drawSdJpeg("/over.jpg", x, y);
else if ( t >= HIGH_TEMP_THRESOLD)
drawSdJpeg("/hot.jpg", x, y);
else if (t <= LOW_TEMP_THRESOLD)
drawSdJpeg("/cold.jpg", x, y);
drawSdJpeg("/happy.jpg", x, y);
// Draw a JPEG on the TFT pulled from SD Card
// xpos, ypos is top left corner of plotted image
void drawSdJpeg(const char *filename, int xpos, int ypos) {
// Open the named file (the Jpeg decoder library will close it)
File jpegFile = filename, FILE_READ); // or, file handle reference for SD library
if ( !jpegFile ) {
if (DEBUG)Serial.print("ERROR: File ""); if (DEBUG)Serial.print(filename); if (DEBUG)Serial.println ("" not found!");
if (DEBUG)Serial.println("===========================");
if (DEBUG)Serial.print("Drawing file: "); if (DEBUG)Serial.println(filename);
if (DEBUG)Serial.println("===========================");
// Use one of the following methods to initialise the decoder:
bool decoded = JpegDec.decodeSdFile(jpegFile); // Pass the SD file handle to the decoder,
//bool decoded = JpegDec.decodeSdFile(filename); // or pass the filename (String or character array)
if (decoded) {
// print information about the image to the if(DEBUG)Serial port
// render the image onto the screen at given coordinates
jpegRender(xpos, ypos);
else {
if (DEBUG)Serial.println("Jpeg file format not supported!");
// Draw a JPEG on the TFT, images will be cropped on the right/bottom sides if they do not fit
// This function assumes xpos,ypos is a valid screen coordinate. For convenience images that do not
// fit totally on the screen are cropped to the nearest MCU size and may leave right/bottom borders.
void jpegRender(int xpos, int ypos) {
//jpegInfo(); // Print information from the JPEG file (could comment this line out)
uint16_t *pImg;
uint16_t mcu_w = JpegDec.MCUWidth;
uint16_t mcu_h = JpegDec.MCUHeight;
uint32_t max_x = JpegDec.width;
uint32_t max_y = JpegDec.height;
bool swapBytes = tft.getSwapBytes();
// Jpeg images are draw as a set of image block (tiles) called Minimum Coding Units (MCUs)
// Typically these MCUs are 16x16 pixel blocks
// Determine the width and height of the right and bottom edge image blocks
uint32_t min_w = jpg_min(mcu_w, max_x % mcu_w);
uint32_t min_h = jpg_min(mcu_h, max_y % mcu_h);
// save the current image block size
uint32_t win_w = mcu_w;
uint32_t win_h = mcu_h;
// record the current time so we can measure how long it takes to draw an image
uint32_t drawTime = millis();
// save the coordinate of the right and bottom edges to assist image cropping
// to the screen size
max_x += xpos;
max_y += ypos;
// Fetch data from the file, decode and display
while ( { // While there is more data in the file
pImg = JpegDec.pImage ; // Decode a MCU (Minimum Coding Unit, typically a 8x8 or 16x16 pixel block)
// Calculate coordinates of top left corner of current MCU
int mcu_x = JpegDec.MCUx * mcu_w + xpos;
int mcu_y = JpegDec.MCUy * mcu_h + ypos;
// check if the image block size needs to be changed for the right edge
if (mcu_x + mcu_w <= max_x) win_w = mcu_w;
else win_w = min_w;
// check if the image block size needs to be changed for the bottom edge
if (mcu_y + mcu_h <= max_y) win_h = mcu_h;
else win_h = min_h;
// copy pixels into a contiguous block
if (win_w != mcu_w)
uint16_t *cImg;
int p = 0;
cImg = pImg + win_w;
for (int h = 1; h < win_h; h++)
p += mcu_w;
for (int w = 0; w < win_w; w++)
*cImg = *(pImg + w + p);
// calculate how many pixels must be drawn
uint32_t mcu_pixels = win_w * win_h;
// draw image MCU block only if it will fit on the screen
if (( mcu_x + win_w ) <= tft.width() && ( mcu_y + win_h ) <= tft.height())
tft.pushImage(mcu_x, mcu_y, win_w, win_h, pImg);
else if ( (mcu_y + win_h) >= tft.height())
JpegDec.abort(); // Image has run off bottom of screen so abort decoding
showTime(millis() - drawTime); // These lines are for sketch testing only
// Print image information to the if(DEBUG)Serial port (optional)
// JpegDec.decodeFile(...) or JpegDec.decodeArray(...) must be called before this info is available!
void jpegInfo() {
// Print information extracted from the JPEG file
if (DEBUG)Serial.println("JPEG image info");
if (DEBUG)Serial.println("===============");
if (DEBUG)Serial.print("Width :");
if (DEBUG)Serial.println(JpegDec.width);
if (DEBUG)Serial.print("Height :");
if (DEBUG)Serial.println(JpegDec.height);
if (DEBUG)Serial.print("Components :");
if (DEBUG)Serial.println(JpegDec.comps);
if (DEBUG)Serial.print("MCU / row :");
if (DEBUG)Serial.println(JpegDec.MCUSPerRow);
if (DEBUG)Serial.print("MCU / col :");
if (DEBUG)Serial.println(JpegDec.MCUSPerCol);
if (DEBUG)Serial.print("Scan type :");
if (DEBUG)Serial.println(JpegDec.scanType);
if (DEBUG)Serial.print("MCU width :");
if (DEBUG)Serial.println(JpegDec.MCUWidth);
if (DEBUG)Serial.print("MCU height :");
if (DEBUG)Serial.println(JpegDec.MCUHeight);
if (DEBUG)Serial.println("===============");
if (DEBUG)Serial.println("");
// Show the execution time (optional)
// WARNING: for UNO/AVR legacy reasons printing text to the screen with the Mega might not work for
// sketch sizes greater than ~70KBytes because 16 bit address pointers are used in some libraries.
// The Due will work fine with the HX8357_Due library.
void showTime(uint32_t msTime)
if (DEBUG)Serial.print(F(" JPEG drawn in "));
if (DEBUG)Serial.print(msTime);
if (DEBUG)Serial.println(F(" ms "));
void Check_battery()
if (DEBUG)Serial.println(analogRead(batt));
float raw = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
raw += analogRead(batt);
raw = raw / 10;
raw = (raw * 1.73) / 1000;
if (DEBUG)Serial.print("Battery Voltage - "); if (DEBUG)Serial.println(raw);
if (raw >= 3.8)
drawSdJpeg("/bat_lvl4.jpg", 2, 0);
if (3.8 > raw && raw >= 3.6)
if (DEBUG)Serial.println("P");
drawSdJpeg("/bat_lvl3.jpg", 2, 0);
if (3.6 > raw && raw >= 3.4)
drawSdJpeg("/bat_lvl2.jpg", 2, 0);
if ( raw < 3.4)
drawSdJpeg("/bat_lvl1.jpg", 2, 0);
void reading_sensor_data()
// Reading Data from DHT11
h = dht.readHumidity();
t = dht.readTemperature();
// Checking for Errors
if (isnan(h) || isnan(t))
if (DEBUG)Serial.println(F("Failed to read from DHT sensor!"));
// Reading Data from Soil Moisture Sensor
sensorValue = analogRead(SensorPin);
// Reading LDR Sensor's Value
ldr_value = analogRead(LDR_pin);
Now here you may need to make changes in the threshold value according to different plant, soil and atmosphere. You can do trial n error to set correct threshold values.In my case, these are the perfect values.
Images of Emojis
Here for our project, we have used a memory card and added some jpeg images based on different different emotions. Below are all the emojis used for this projects.
All the Emojis and Battery Status Images are uploaded into my drive. Just click here to download all the images.
You just need to download them, paste them in the SD card and then you just need to insert that SD card inside TouchScreen Module. But remember, don’t change the name of the Images as the same name is mentioned in the code as well.