Home Automation project are quite popular and you must have seen so many videos of it. But when it comes to control them using Alexa or Google Assistant, all the platforms will have some limitation in connecting number of devices with them for free.
So you can connect only few devices with Alexa for free and you need to pay them to control more appliances. But this project will solve this problem and after going through this article you can control UNLIMITED appliances using Alexa for FREE…
Components Required:-
- ESP32 (https://techiesms.com/product/esp32/)
- Hi-Link 5v Power Supply(5W) (https://techiesms.com/product/hi-link-hlk-5m05-5v-5w-switch-power-supply-module/)
- Terminal Connector (https://amzn.to/2FqUKEe)
- 5v Relay (https://amzn.to/35BTEAa)
- Diode IN4007 (https://amzn.to/2RhazzO)
- Transistor BC547(https://amzn.to/2SK3Fna)
- Resistor 330Ω 1/4W(https://amzn.to/2OQqUuz)
- Resistor 220kΩ 1/4W (https://amzn.to/3kcgna6)
- Resistor 2.2Ω 1/2W (https://amzn.to/32mdSvN)
- Resistor 10kΩ 1/4W (https://amzn.to/2GY6Sxf)
- Slide Switch
- Male Connector
- Capacitor 2.2uF 250v
- Capacitor 3.3uF 250v
Connection Diagram:-
This is the circuit diagram in which you need to connect all the components.

You can even buy the whole project assembled from us. By doing so you not only save plenty of time and resources and get the project ready to be used but you’ll also be supporting us.
Buy Now!! – https://techiesms.com/product/all-in-one-home-automation-project/
Wiring Diagram:-
This is the schematic in which you need to connect the project to your mains supply.
Be careful while working with mains voltage, do turn of the main switch.

Complete code of the project is uploaded in my GitHub account. You can get it by clicking here!
Tutorial Video:-
If you have any doubt in this project, you can refer to our full tutorial video to know everything about this project