In this project, we made the foolproof Automatic Door Lock System Using The ESP-Rainmaker, an Esp-32 Dev kit module, Electromagnetic Door Lock, and the Exit Switch This Door Lock System can be controlled using the ESP-Rainmaker Mobile application over the internet which totally free. In this Project we don’t need to reprogram it in case we lost the RFID Card, We can add or remove the RFID card just by tapping the Add Or Remove button Inside the App And can store the Data Of an RFID card Inside the EEPROM And also can access the Door Lock system manually even if it gets disconnected from the internet.

Components Required:-
- ESP32 dev board
- Hi-Link 20m12-12Volt Power Supply
- RFID Reader -RC522
- Red LED 5mm
- Blue LED 5mm
- Green LED 5mm
- PC-817 Optocoupler IC
- Transistor – BC547
- Resistor – 330E
- Resistor – 1k
- Resistor – 10k
- 0.1uf Non-Polarised Ceramic Capacitor
- 1000uf-25V Electrolytic Capacitor
- 100uf-25V Electrolytic Capacitor
- Voltage regulator – 7805
- Heatsink
- Diode – IN4007
- Relay – 5v
- Buzzer 5V
- 8Pin JST XH 2.5MMP Female Connector Straight
- 8Pin JST XH 2.5MMP Male Wire
- Female Bugstrip
- 2pin Screw Terminal
Buy the complete kit which is Ready to Use…
We are selling this complete project, with all the components already soldered on the PCB along with ESP32 which comes preprogrammed. Just click the link mentioned below to buy it.
Procedure to setup your own kit:
This is the connection diagram to connect your Door Lock System kit.
1. How To Connect The given Kit?

2. How To Use?
Step 1: First of all download the ESP rainmaker App from the play store or App store.
Step 2: Open the ESP rainmaker app.

Step 3: Enter your login credentials or You can also login with your Google or GitHub account.

Step 4: Now Click on Add device button and scan the QR code given below.

- In this step sometimes the device could not connect automatically with ESP32. So at that time, you have to add your device manually with BLE credentials.
(Note: Don’t turn on two or more devices at the same time during the provision )
- Now click on the button given below Select a device with the name PROV_RFID_techiesms and click on the pair button. Now It will ask for the password. Type the password “1234567”.
Step 5: Now you have to add your Wi-Fi credentials and click on Connect Button.

Step 6 : Now It will take few seconds to set up your device and then your device will be available on your mobile phone screen.

(NOTE: If you want to add other devices then just click on the “+” icon given on the Top-Right corner of the Home page.)
Code used in this project
You can download the code used in this project and use it for your project purpose only.
Tutorial Video
If you want to understand this project in detail, kindly watch out our complete tutorial video on it