
Bluetooth and WiFi automation using ESP32

Have you ever tried to use both Bluetooth and WiFi simultaneously on ESP32 ? Well, we did and failed drastically on the first try. Our team went through several forums but none of them had a solution. Doesn’t it irritates !!

A board that has both Bluetooth and WiFi in-built, but still can’t use them at the same time, really ?

The answer comes to be, No. You can indeed use both the communication protocols simultaneously. We at the Techiesms studios scratched our heads for so long and here we are with the solution.

Components required:

  • Hardware part
    • ESP-32 development board
    • 5 volts Non-latching Relay
    • Hi-Link 5 volts Power Supply
    • 220V AC to 3.3V DC Power supply
    • Couple of resistors – 10kΩ & 330 Ω
    • Two pin terminal connectors
    • BC547 transistor 
    • 1N4007 diodes
    • Buzzer
    • Led’s and Push button
  • Software part
    • Arduino IDE with ESP Boards
    • Blynk IoT Application (can be downloaded from Play-store)
    • Techiesms Bluetooth app (Click here to downlad)

Connection diagram :

You can download the Gerber files of PCB I have used from the link given below.

Working of the Project:-

This projects works with Bluetooth and WiFi simultaneously which means you can control your appliances with phone even without Internet. The Internet part of the project uses Blynk IoT platform which we have set up several times. For the non- internet i.e. Bluetooth part Techiesms team has designed an application containing eight buttons for switching four appliances on or off. Whenever a button is pressed the application sends a number between 1 and 8 depending upon the button. After receiving it the code switches the appliance accordingly and updates the Blynk application too.


Complete code of the project is uploaded in my GitHub account. You can get it by clicking here!

PCB Design:

I have designed a 2 layer PCB for this project and the good news is that you can also use the same design or modify it according to your project without any restrictions.

But never forget to give credits to original makers whenever you use any open source content like my code and PCB design.

Here is the link for the PCB design.

Tutorial video:

I have made a video explaining each and every detail of the project. In this video i have also explained why the project was not working before with ESP32 and how can you make it work.

Thanks a lot for reading.

Must share the article 🙂 Happy making.