This Smallest Home Automation Project Includes:-
- ESP-01 ESP8266 1pcs
- Hi-Link HLK 5m05 1pcs
- Slide switch 1pcs
- Tact Switch 1pcs
- Relay HF46F 5v 7pcs
- Capacitor 2.2uf 250v 1pcs
- Capacitor 3.3uf 250v 1pcs
- Fuse 10A Wired 1pcs
- Resistor 200k ohms 1/4w 2pcs
- Resistor 2.2 ohms 1/2w 2pcs
- Resistor 10k SMD (1206) 1pcs
- 0.1uF SMD Capacitor (1206) 1pcs
- 10uF SMD Capacitor (1206) 1pcs
- 1n4007 Diode (M7 DIode) 7pcs
- AMS 1117 3.3v 1pcs
- ULN2003 1pcs
- Shift Register 74HC595 1pcs
- 2pin Screw Terminal 1pcs
- 3pin Screw Terminal 1pcs
- PCB 1pcs
To know more about this project, do watch out it’s complete tutorial video
Note:- This is a DIY project and not a commercial product(It’s still shipped after completely testing from our end). Its main purpose is to educate people about how the Home Automation systems actually works. As the complete project comes open(without casing), one should handle with utmost care. Any mismatch in wiring may result in Short Circuit or Electric shock. techiesms and their employees are not responsible for any damage occurred to you and your property using this project by your carelessness.